On the significance of the external circuit, Langmuir and Bohm criterion for the stability of plasma fireballs Derivation of a simple engineering equation for the minimum voltage of inverted fireball onset Inverted fireball deposition of carbon films with extremely low surface roughness Measurement of inverted n-hexane fireball properties with a Multipole Resonance Probe On fusion chain reactions in 11B targets for laser driven aneutronic fusion Application and limitations of inverted fireballs in a magnetron sputter device Sheaths and Double Layers with Instabilities Characterization of a non-thermal plasma source for use as a mass specrometric calibration tool and non-radioactive aerosol charger Temperature influence on the diethylamine sensing abilities of CuO nanoparticles deposited by atmospheric pressure plasma Comment on “Sheath oscillations during directional motion of fire tube formation in expanding RF plasma” Novel target design for a laser-driven aneutronic fusion reactor On the dispersion relation for the Buneman instability in spherically confined plasmas Influence of the emission current on a beam-generated plasma Utilisation of plasma centrifuges for life support systems on Mars A model for the basic plasma parameter profiles and the force exerted by fireballs with non-isothermal electrons The digestive index as a benchmark to quantify the digestive capabilities of honey bees (Apis Mellifera) Letter: Influence of inhomogeneous electrode biasing on the plasma parameters of inverted H2 fireballs